Highlighting Magdalen College’s cultural heritage

Gunner’s Scrapbook

Cardinal Wolsey’s Lectionary

The First Edition of Oscar Wilde’s Poems (1881)

The Conservation of the Daubeny Library

The Medieval Title Deeds Project

An Early Binding From Magdalen’s Old Library Collection

The John Goodyer Collection of Botanical Books

An Englishman abroad: Sir Douglas Dodds-Parker in the Sudan in the 1930s

Pseudo-Rabanus Maurus’ Life of Mary Magdalene and her sister Martha

Sassoon’s Editor: George Bonner, ‘The Hydra’, and Britain’s Greatest War Poets

Henry Bensley Wells and Magdalen’s Rowing Olympians

William Holman Hunt and May Morning at Magdalen College

Magdalen’s Architecture Books

The Muniment Room of Magdalen College and its contents

Books of Hours