The Chapel

The College Choir enriches our worship every day of the week in Full Term (except Mondays) at 6.00pm, and every Sunday morning in Term at 11.00am.  On Saturdays, the Academical Clerks are joined by sopranos from a number of Oxford colleges to form the Consort of Voices.  Other services in Chapel are said, without the Choir.

We hope you will join us at one of the live services in Chapel.

Members of the public are warmly invited to attend any of our morning or evening services throughout the week during the University term. Details of musical settings, hymns, and readings can be found in the Chapel Services and Music List for the term.

Sunday Services in Full Term

11.00am Sung Eucharist
This choral celebration of Holy Communion includes congregational hymns, a sermon, and a musical setting sung by the Choir. It usually lasts just over an hour. Those of any and all denominations are welcome to receive Communion in Chapel; it’s equally fine to attend and not take Communion. The service is followed by lunch and wine or a soft drink in the Hall, to which all are invited.

6.00pm Choral Evensong
Perhaps the most distinctively Anglican of all church services is Evensong, which took shape in the sixteenth century when the medieval orders for Vespers and Compline were combined, in the Book of Common Prayer, to create a new service. Evensong at Magdalen uses the traditional language of the 1662 Prayer Book and it offers the opportunity to hear a great variety of musical settings of the canticles (Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis), along with a wide range of anthems and psalm chants. This service typically lasts around 40 minutes, or 50 minutes on Saturday and Sunday when it includes congregational hymns. On Sundays, the service is followed by refreshments in the Antechapel.

Services from Monday to Saturday in Full Term (unless otherwise stated in the termly Music and Services booklet)

8.30am Morning Prayer

8.30am Morning Prayer
6.00 pm Choral Evening Prayer (sung by the Choristers only)
9.00 pm Sung Compline (Night Prayer)*

8.30am Morning Prayer
6.00pm Choral Evensong (sung by the full Choir)

8.30am Morning Prayer
6.00 pm Choral Evensong (sung by the full Choir)

8.30am Morning Prayer
6.00 pm Choral Evening Prayer (sung by the Academical Clerks only)

6.00 pm Choral Evensong (usually sung by the Consort of Voices)

* This service is sung by individual members of the Choir and Consort of Voices and is also broadcast on YouTube and Facebook at 9pm the following day (Wednesday)

The Sunday Eucharist service is followed by a light lunch and Sunday’s Choral Evensong is followed by refreshments in the Antechapel.

Baptism is the rite of initiation for those wanting to participate as full members of the Christian church.

Usually baptisms will be conducted in the parish church closest to where you live, but exceptions are made for those who have a strong connection to the College Chapel.

For students of the College, baptisms usually take place on a Sunday morning, within the 11am Eucharist. For others, they may take place on Saturday or Sunday afternoons.

For further enquiries or to book a baptism, please contact the Dean of Divinity, Rev’d Dr. Andrew Bowyer:


Dean of Divinity (College Chaplain)
The Rev’d Dr Andrew Bowyer

Andrew is a Church of England Priest. His role is to offer non-judgemental pastoral support to everyone in the College, regardless of their religious beliefs. He also oversees activities that take place in our beautiful Chapel, where worship in the Christian tradition has been offered since the 15th Century.

The Chapel Administrator
Edmund Racher
Room: Cloisters 2
Tel: 01865 286701

The Choir Administrator
Griselda Sherlaw-Johnson
Room: Cloisters 2
Tel: 01865 286701

The Sacristans
The Sacristans are friendly students responsible for organising the altar servers who assist at every Sung Eucharist and at Benediction. They always enjoy training up fellow-students who would like to learn how to swing a thurible (the incense-pot) or carry a candle in procession.

This year’s Sacristans are Joseph Gillson and Talav Bhimnathwala.

The Verger
The Verger, Joan Jones, is likely to be the first person you see when you come to a service, since an important part of her job is to welcome you and help you find a seat.

Assisting and Honorary Chaplains
The Dean of Divinity receives liturgical assistance from the Fellows’ Chaplain, The Reverend Professor Robert Gilbert (Fellow in Biochemistry) and Assistant Chaplain, Mr Oliver Wright, and from Honorary Chaplains, The Reverend Professor Sabina Alkire, The Reverend Wealands Bell, The Reverend Dr Laura Biron-Scott, The Reverend Dr Andrew Shamel and The Reverend Professor Jane Shaw. The Founder’s Chaplain, Dr Ralph Walker, leads prayers commemorating departed Benefactors of the College on appointed occasions in the course of the academic year.

Sunday 13th October – Twentieth Sunday after Trinity
The Reverend Dr Andrew Bowyer 
– 11am, Dean of Divinity

Sunday 20th October – Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity
The Reverend Professor Robert Gilbert 
– 11am, Fellows’ Chaplain
The Reverend Prebendary Jonathan Osborne MBE
 – 6pm, Senior Chaplain, Metropolitan Police

Sunday 27th October – Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity
The Reverend Dr Andrew Bowyer – 11am, Dean of Divinity
The Reverend Canon Professor Susan Gillingham – 6pm, Emeritus Professor of the Hebrew Bible, Emeritus Fellow, Worcester College

Sunday 3rd November – Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity
​The Reverend Professor Jane Shaw – 11am, Honorary Chaplain
The Reverend Canon Dr Will Lamb – 6pm, Vicar, St Mary the Virgin (University Church), Oxford

Sunday 10th November – Remembrance Sunday
Sir John Scarlett KCMG OBE – 10.55am, Chairman, Joint Intelligence Service 2001-04, Chief, MI6 (2004-11)

Sunday 17th November – Second Sunday before Advent
Mr Oliver Wright – 11am, Assistant Chaplain
The Reverend Dr Hannah Swithinbank – 6pm, Assistant Curate, United Benefice of St Philip & All Saints with St Luke’s, Kew

Sunday 24th November – Christ the King
The Reverend Dr Andrew Bowyer 
– 11am, Dean of Divinity

​Sunday 1st December – Advent Sunday
The Reverend Professor Sabina Alkire – 11am, Honorary Chaplain

Saturday 14 September, 4.30pm
‘Be a Chorister for a Day’ Evening Prayer

Saturday 21 September, 6.00pm
Evensong before the Gaudy (1967-70)

Thursday 10 October, 6.00pm
Evensong to welcome new students

Sunday 13 October, 6.00pm
Evensong with Admission of Academical Clerks and Choristers

Wednesday 16 October, 6.00pm
Evensong before the Oscar Wilde Celebration

Thursday 17 October, 6.00pm
Festal Evensong on the Eve of St Luke

Friday 1 November, 6.00pm
Festal Evensong for All Saints’ Day

Saturday 2 November, 6.00pm
Solemn Requiem Mass for All Souls’ Day

Sunday 10 November, 10.55am
Service of Remembrance (starting in the Cloister)

Monday 11 November, 6.00pm
Roman Catholic Mass

Saturday 16 November, 2.30pm
Memorial Service for Dr James Whitbourn (by invitation only)

Saturday 30 November, 6.00pm
Sung Eucharist for St Andrew

Sunday 1 December, 6.00pm
Service of Music & Readings for Advent (Ticketed)

Friday 6 December, 6.15pm
Short Carol Service for Magdalen students

Sunday 8 December, 4.00pm
Carols by Candlelight for Friends of the Choir & Alumni (by invitation only)

Thursday 12 December, 6.00pm
Alumni Carol Service at All Saints, Margaret Street (Ticketed)

Saturday 14 December, 5.00pm
Carols by Candlelight (Ticketed)

Sunday 15 December, 5.00pm
Carols by Candlelight (Ticketed)

Tuesday 17 December, 3.30pm
Staff Children’s Crib Service (by invitation only)

Joseph Addison (1672-1719) was an English essayist, poet, playwright, politician and Fellow of Magdalen. Every Thursday lunchtime during term from 1.00pm until 2.00pm, The Addison Society usually meets in the Dean of Divinity’s rooms (Cloisters 4:2) for a free lunch to talk about arts, culture, current affairs and faith.

All are welcome to this open, non-judgmental and frank discussion group. If you are interested in joining this group, then please speak to, or email, the Dean of Divinity.

Weekly, Tuesdays c. 9.30pm (following the Compline service), Old Practice Room

All are welcome but spaces are limited so please sign up via the Eventbrite link in the weekly Chapel email.

For other Chapel activities, please check the Magdalen College Chapel Term Card.

Event bookings
If you are interested in holding an event in the Chapel, please complete the form below and a member of the Chapel and Choir staff will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.

Chapel event booking form
Do you hope to use the Antechapel or the Inner Chapel?
Do you intend to charge for tickets?
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The College Chapel is usually available to Magdalen alumni for weddings, as well as College staff and their direct family members, and current College members. The Chapel is only available for weddings outside the University terms, and bookings are always agreed at the discretion of the Dean of Divinity and with the approval of the President. How to book a wedding The first step is to complete the form below and a member of the Chapel and Choir staff will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible. Wedding charges For all weddings taking place in 2024, the charges will be as follows: £1,600 (inclusive of priest, verger, use of organ, organist and administration)

Wedding enquiry form
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