Dr Enrico Emanuele Prodi
Subject: Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology
Department: Classics
I was born and grew up in Bologna where I first learnt Latin and Greek at school. After my BA (2007) I came to Oxford for an MPhil (2009) and DPhil (2014) at Merton College with a dissertation on the fragments of Pindar’s Prosodia (Conington Prize 2017). I was then a JRF at Christ Church (2012-2016) and a lecturer in Classics at Oriel (2014-2016), after which I moved to Venice for a Marie Curie Fellowship (2016-2018) on scholarship on archaic Greek iambus in antiquity. I returned to Oxford to be a lecturer in Greek and Latin language at Balliol (2018-2019) before I was elected to the lectureship in Greek literature at Magdalen in 2019.
I teach all the College-taught Greek literature papers for LitHum (Classics) and its joint schools, and the Faculty-taught Lyric Poetry paper. In past lives I have taught Greek and Latin language (syntax, translation, prose composition), metre, and reading classes on several authors, Greek and Latin. I have a habit of shoving papyrology into all sorts of subjects and I am thoroughly unrepentant about it.
Research interests
My main research interests are archaic and early classical Greek lyric; papyrology in the context of the history of the book and of ancient book culture; the study and transmission of earlier Greek literature in the Greek, Roman, and Byzantine world; and fifth-century Athenian tragedy. I have organised several conferences and seminar series relating to these topics. I have a minor obsession for titles. The book version of my doctoral dissertation is in the works.
Selected publications
- Didymus and Graeco-Roman Learning, ed. with T.R.P. Coward (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 63.2), Oxford: OUP, 2021.
- ‘Un prosodio pindarico (‘Pae.’ 20). Introduzione, testo critico e commento’, Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 125.2 (2020) 11-48.
- ‘Poem-titles in Simonides, Pindar, and Bacchylides’, in The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry 600 BC-400 AD: Transmission, Canonization, and Paratext, edd. B.G.F. Currie and I.C. Rutherford, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2019: 462-515.
- ‘L’edizione antica delle opere di Archiloco’, Prometheus 45 (2019) 3-44.
- ‘Dancing in Delphi, dancing in Thebes: the lyric chorus in Euripides’ Phoenician Women’, in Paths of Song: The Lyric Dimension of Greek Tragedy, edd. R. Andújar, T.R.P. Coward, and T.A. Hadjimichael, Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 2018: 291-313.
- ‘Text as paratext: Pindar, Sappho, and Alexandrian editions’, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 57.3 (2017) 547-82.
- ‘P.Oxy. 2174 fr. 5: an Odyssey for Hipponax?’, Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete 63.1 (2017) 1-10.
- The Cup of Song. Studies on Poetry and the Symposion, ed. with V. Cazzato and D. Obbink, Oxford: OUP, 2016.
- Titles and markers of poem-end in the papyri of Greek choral lyric’, in Proceedings of the 27th International Congress of Papyrology, edd. T. Derda, A. Łajtar, and J. Urbanik, Warsaw: Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 2016: II 1137-84.
- ‘P.Oxy. 2448 (Pi. fr. 215 Sn.-M.) and Pindar’s Prosodia’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 185 (2013): 53-9.