Mr Tom Revell
Subject: English
Academic position: Lecturer II in Medieval English
I am a Lecturer II at Magdalen College and Stipendiary Lecturer at St Anne’s College, teaching English literature and language across the medieval period. I took my undergraduate degree at the University of Leicester, when I also studied at the Universität Leipzig, before coming to Oxford to complete my MSt in English (650–1550) at St Hugh’s College and DPhil at Balliol College.
My main research focus is in Old English poetry, especially its compositional techniques and analysing evidence of intertextuality, but I am also interested in hagiography, translation, and literary culture. I have previously been a College Lecturer at Keble College, and a Research Assistant on the ERC-funded CLASP project. I have published on lexicography and artificial intelligence, and am also a commissioned translator of contemporary German and Portuguese poetry.