Classics and Modern Languages make a natural pair. Greek and Latin literature play an important role in modern literatures in all European languages; the languages themselves can be usefully studied side by side; and the skills you will learn on the two sides of the degree are related too.
The degree combines one modern language (a full list is available on the University admissions page) with either Greek or Latin or both. You do not need to have either Greek or Latin to apply, but you will normally be taking A-level or equivalent in your chosen modern language (certain modern languages can also be studied ab initio here in Oxford). You can choose between the following paths through the degree:
Option A. You will divide your time equally between Classics and your modern language from the start of the degree. On the Classics side of the course, you will focus on the language and literature options. This degree lasts three years (plus a year abroad) if you have studied either Latin or Greek at school, and four years (plus a year abroad) if you have not.
Option B. You will focus on Classics for the first two years and choose from the same inter-disciplinary set of Classics options as the single honours Classics students. This means you will have the opportunity to study philosophy, ancient history, art and archaeology, or comparative linguistics. On this path, you will not begin the study of your modern language in your third year. This degree lasts four years (plus a year abroad).
In most years, Magdalen admits one candidate for Classics and Modern Languages, but we are flexible. Applications for deferred entry are not considered.
You will find further relevant information on the Classics and the Modern Languages pages.