Lucy Oswald

Dr Lucy Oswald

Subject: Physics

Department: Physics

Academic position: Lecturer I in Physics

Lucy is a Lecturer in AI and Data Science in Astronomy at the University of Southampton. She was formerly a Fellow by Examination in Physics at Magdalen College from August 2021 to August 2024. Her research is focused on the radio emission from pulsars: its origins and the observational effects of its propagation through the Galaxy. She is particularly interested in both the polarization properties of pulsar radio emission and the shapes of pulse profiles, and how these vary across both frequency and time. Studying this variability reveals information about the origins and structure of the pulsar radio beam, in addition to the structures of the Interstellar Medium that exist between pulsars and the Earth. This is useful, not only for a deeper understanding of pulsars themselves, but because this understanding will improve our ability to use pulsars as tools: to probe the structure of the Galaxy, test Einstein’s theory of General Relativity and search for gravitational waves. For more information, see