Deans of Arts Booking Form

This form is for Magdalen students only.

Students wishing to book rooms for social events, or society/club meetings during term-time (Weeks 1-8) should seek the permission of the Deans ahead of the event, via the Student Support Administrator. Requests for room bookings are made using the online request form below. Please allow at least two working days (excluding weekends) between your request and the event.

Please note that online bookings are not confirmed bookings. After processing of online requests, confirmation of reserved bookings will be sent to you by the Student Support Administrator.

If your event will include the attendance of an outside speaker, please follow this link to complete the online form.

Bookings are only finalised once permission has been given in person, at a Deans’ Hour. Attendance at a Deans’ Hour for approval is compulsory. These are held with the Dean for Welfare on Monday 11am-12pm and with the Senior Dean on Friday 11:30am-12:30pm and this Signature Form must be completed in advance. Printed copies of the form can also be found on the window ledge in Grammar Hall.

Requests for bookings of rooms on dates during vacations should be forwarded to the Conference and Accommodation Office ( The Conference and Accommodation Office also manages bookings for the New Rooms, the Old Practice Room, Summer Common Room and the Auditorium throughout term and vacations.

For any tutorial room bookings, please use the Teaching Booking Form here.

Deans of Arts Booking Form

Start Time
End Time
Will there be an outside speaker
You will need to complete this form (will open in a new tab). Please remember to also finish completing your Deans of Art Booking Form.

Prevent Risk Assessment

** These rooms allow food and drink.
Please note this room does NOT allow food and drink.