The Mini-Mentorship Programme

Connecting with a student or recent graduate is a great way to give back to College and inspire future generations. As a volunteer, you can contribute as much or as little of your time as you like, helping young Magdalenenses at the beginning of their careers. Find all the information you need below.

The Mentor Guide

You submit a Mini-Mentor application form

A Mini-Mentee application that is interested in your job and areas of expertise submits an application

  • Mini-Mentees submit a form, similar to the one below, to request a Mini-Mentor
  • The form asks for subject, industry of interest, any relevant experience they already have and what they are hoping to gain from the Mini-Mentorship experience

We contact you

  • Using the Mini-Mentee’s application responses, we send you an email that incorporates their degree, their areas of interest, their relevant experience and what they would like to get from the Mini-Mentorship to see if you would be willing to help
  • If you are willing to Mini-Mentor them, we get in contact with the mentee
  • If you are not willing to Mini-Mentor them, we can find them a new mentor

We will contact the Mini-Mentee

  • Using the information, we have we send an email to the mentee that has a brief overview of the your experiences and career
  • If they are happy to have their contact details share, we introduce the two of you via email

We connect the Mini-Mentee and Mini-Mentor

  • We send an email to you, copying the Mini-Mentee into the email in order to share your contact details with one another

After your Mini-Mentorship experience

  • We send an email to you to see if you completed your Mini-Mentorship and/or need any help to proceed
  • We ask for an overview of and feedback on your experience to help us improve the overall programme
  • We ask if you have any career changes or updates to ensure the progression of the programme
  • We get in contact with your Mini-Mentee to ask for their comments and feedback  as and invite them to repeat the experience, as and when they need it

What each Mini-Mentor can offer is individual to them and the time they are able to devote to the Mini-Mentorship.

We recommend that Mini-Mentors commence the Mentorship with a video call to establish what both Mentor and Mentee want to occur during the pairing

These are some additional things a Mini-Mentee may ask of you:

  • a CV/job application review
  • interview tips and practice
  • information about internships/opportunities that are available

Stay in touch and keep the Development Office informed of your progress.

Provide us with feedback about your experience so we can improve the programme.

Update your career details to make sure the information we have on you is accurate.

For any questions, you can contact the Development Office on


How to apply

Mini-Mentorship Programme: Sign Up for Mentors

Mini-Mentorship Programme: Sign Up for Mentors

I am happy for my job details to be shared with prospective mentees (students and new alumni)

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