New Publication: A Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts of Magdalen College, Oxford

23 February 2017

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Magdalen College is pleased to announce the publication of A Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts of Magdalen College, Oxford drafted by Mark Sosower, revised and completed by Nigel Wilson. This catalogue of Magdalen’s small but important collection was in draft when Prof Mark Sosower (NC State, USA) died suddenly of a heart attack in 2010. Nigel Wilson’s completion of his catalogue, published by The Venetian Press, is very timely as the Greek manuscript collection is near finishing conservation treatment funded by the National Manuscripts Conservation Trust.

If you would like to order a copy of A Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts of Magdalen College, Oxford for your library or personal collection, please email The catalogue retails for £20 ($25) + P&P.

There will be a book launch of A Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts of Magdalen College, Oxford at 5.15pm on Friday 24th February 2017 in the Summer Common Room of Magdalen College. The launch is open to the public and will be followed by a drinks reception and a viewing of the exhibition, accompanied by a kanonaki (traditional Greek instrument) player. Booking essential  (RSVP to