We are delighted to announce that the current exhibition on display in the Old Library has been converted to an online exhibition for the permanent enjoyment of all!
The exhibition begins to explore what fragmentary sources from the Magdalen archives can tell us about the lives and identities of some of College’s students and staff since the nineteenth century. It is product of the hard work and collaboration between five student interns, fellows Professor Siân Pooley and Dr Elisabeth Bolorinos Allard, and the Library and Archives.
The exhibition is part of College’s long-term commitment to bring to light overlooked aspects of Magdalen’s heritage. The objects shared help us to reflect on our complex, diverse, and sometimes uncomfortable past. By uncovering these histories – and bringing the exhibition online – we seek to contribute to on-going conversations about the actions we can all take to make a welcoming and inclusive community at Magdalen, in Oxford, and beyond.
Find out more about these important stories and histories in this online exhibition: marginalisedhistories.magd.ox.ac.uk
There is much that we do not know about the lives of people who studied or worked within the Magdalen community.
If you are willing to share memories, manuscripts, or memorabilia – in paper or digital form – we would love to hear from you.
The contact details for the College Archivist and Records Manager, Dr Richard Allen, are:
Email: archives@magd.ox.ac.uk
Telephone: 01865 276088
Address: The Archives, Magdalen College, High Street, Oxford OX1 4AU