New loan periods

08 October 2013

At Magdalen College Library we try to run the library in the most helpful way for you. Last academic year we had a few people saying that they didn’t like our loans system. Loans couldn’t be renewed once they went overdue, and books borrowed were all due back in 4th or 8th week (meaning loans were for 1-4 weeks, depending on when you borrowed them, which confused some people). In many other libraries in the university, books can be renewed once they are overdue and are loaned for a fixed period of 1 or 2 weeks.

We want to be more generous than the other university libraries, but also see the advantage in behaving a bit more like them to reduce confusion. So we’re going to try allowing overdue books to be renewed and having loans for 2 weeks at a time (rather than due back on fixed days). We will also allow unlimited renewals, so that you know that if it’s not possible to renew a book it must be because the book has been requested by another reader. Vacation loans will continue to be for the whole vacation, and will now begin in 7th week rather than 8th week. We will also continue not to charge fines, and to allow unlimited numbers of loans.

Renewing books online is easy via SOLO and there is a guide to doing it here. Alternatively, you can ask us at the library desk to renew your loans, either in person or by e-mailing or by phoning 01865 276045.

Please renew your books promptly, and don’t leave them sitting overdue. It’s much more helpful to your fellow readers to keep books renewed, so that they have an idea when you might return the book. And if a book has been requested by another reader, please be thoughtful and return it on time. As before, if you leave books overdue for a long time thenwe will e-mail you reminding you to return the book or else you will be charged their replacement cost plus a £10 admin fee per item.

We’re keen to get feedback on the library loans policy. If you approve or disapprove of the changes, please let us know!