Navigating northwest Africa
Towards an analysis of Saharan connectivity?
An international conference. 12-13 September 2008, Magdalen College, Oxford, UK.
Provisional program:
Friday 12 September:
8.30am Introductions & Keynote addresses
10.30am Commerce & economy
2pm Mobility & migration
4.30pm Locality & region
Saturday 13 September:
9am Ethnicity & status
11.30am Conclusions
Papers in English & French. Attendance free and open subject to availability of space.
To register, email
Supported by:
Magdalen College, Oxford
International Migration Institute, James Martin 21st Century School
The Middle East Centre, St Antony’s College, Oxford
African Studies Centre, University of Oxford
Oxford Research Network on Government in Africa
African Studies Association UK
The Moroccan-British Society
The Khalid ‘Abdallah Al Sa‘ud Chair for the Study of the Contemporary Arab World
Maison française à Oxford