We caught up with third-year Medic Esele to talk about all things Magdalen, Medicine, and football.
What does Magdalen mean to you?
I think College life is one of the best things about Oxford, particularly at Magdalen. As the centre of teaching, social life, and sport, Magdalen gives you everything you need, but in a small community where everyone gets to know everyone. In my opinion, Magdalen is the best college in Oxford and I wouldn’t want to study anywhere else!
What interested you most about studying Medicine?
For me, Medicine is a combination of two of my favourite things: people and science. I’m an extrovert, so I really wanted to work with people, Medicine provides this by giving me an opportunity to help cure patients and save lives. I also love working at the cutting edge of medical treatment. Constantly innovating and learning more about how the body works really satisfies the scientist in me.
What’s been the biggest highlight of your time at Magdalen?
The biggest highlight of my time at Magdalen has been the Commemoration Ball. College turned into a huge party for one night only, with live music performances, fairground rides, food and drink stalls, and more!
Where’s your favourite spot in College?
My favourite spot in College may be a controversial one considering the beauty of Addison’s Walk and Magdalen’s architecture. For me though, it has to be Magdalen College Sports Grounds (a.k.a. the Bear Pit). It’s definitely my favourite place in College. As a keen footballer for the College teams, I have had some great memories here, like beating St Anne’s to qualify for our first cup final!
I think College life is one of the best things about Oxford. Magdalen is the best college in Oxford and I wouldn’t want to study anywhere else!
What’s Oxford’s best-kept secret?
I’m not really sure about Oxford’s best-kept secret, but I know about its worst-kept secret… Najar’s place! It’s a Lebanese wrap spot near St John’s College, and it is the best food in Oxford, in my opinion. It offers meat, vegetarian, and vegan options, as well as being halal!
What about Magdalen’s?
Well, I think it’s our JCR. It’s got a pool table, darts boards, TV and Xbox – but it’s always empty! My friends and I have loved hanging out there in our first two years, and have even become the student representatives for the space.
How do you relax?
I always make sure to have a variety of ways to relax, because I think work-life balance is one of the most important things while studying at Oxford. I like to spend time with friends, in the JCR, OKB, or at other colleges, as well as playing sports, such as college football or university mixed lacrosse!
Who should we be following on socials?
Shameless plug of the student societies I am part of @oxfordmedsoc and @oxfordblackmedics
Also, another account I have also taken a liking to recently is @askvinh He is a communication skills coach focused on public speaking, and has some great teachings.
What are you listening to right now?
Simple answer, Drake’s new album.
How would you spend your perfect day?
On my perfect day, I’d be ahead of schedule and all my work would already be completed! It could start with a lecture or two in the morning, followed by hanging out with other medics both inside and outside of college. Then I’d have lunch at the OKB (the college bar which turns into a sandwich bar at lunchtime) with friends. In the afternoon I’d play football for Magdalen, and after this, everyone would have dinner in Hall or maybe a trip to Najar’s. The perfect day at Magdalen would end with friends and a trip to the OKB for one of Magdalen’s famous bops (big organised parties).