Lawrence of Magdalen
T. E. Lawrence and Magdalen College
Friday 6th November 2015 (4th week)
12.00–14.00 & 16.00–18.00
Magdalen Old Library
Our termly Magdalen College Libraries and Archives exhibition open day, “Lawrence of Magdalen: T. E. Lawrence and Magdalen College”, was held in the Old Library on Friday 6th November between 12.00–14.00 and 16.00–18.00. This exhibition looked at some key documents and books relating to Lawrence’s life, from the submission of his undergraduate thesis at Jesus (which we had on display thanks to a very generous loan) to his move to Magdalen as a Senior Demy; his time at Magdalen; his archaeological work alongside D. G. Hogarth and C. Leonard Woolley; and his exploits during World War One, which brought him fame.
The catalogue can be read online here.
An article about our exhibition can be found on the Sunday Times website.