Single and regular gifts can be made by direct debit, by cheque, or by credit or debit card. The College can also accept gifts of shares and of real property.
Many companies will match the charitable donations made by their employees. This is sometimes by as much as 2:1, making a significant difference to the value of your giving at no extra cost to you. View our A-Z list of companies that offer matched giving.
Donations from UK Taxpayers benefit from the government’s Gift Aid Scheme. For every £1 donated, the College can claim 25 pence of tax at no additional cost to you. Thus a gift of £100 is worth £125 to Magdalen. Higher rate tax payers can also benefit from tax relief by claiming back the difference between the higher rates of tax at 40 or 50 per cent and the basic rate of tax at 20 per cent on the total value of their gross donation.
Giving by Post
To make a single gift by cheque/debit card or a regular gift to Magdalen by post, please fill in the donation form and return to The Development Office, Magdalen College, Oxford, OX1 4AU. Cheques should be made payable to Magdalen College Development Trust.
Giving by Bank Transfer
Bank Account Name: Magdalen College Development Trust
Account No: 84269677
Sort Code: 60-70-03
Bank: National Westminster Bank PLC
IBAN: GB72NWBK-607003-84269677
Giving via a Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) Account
Select the Magdalen College Development Trust (charity no. 273860) and drop us a line to let us know where you would like your gift to be directed
Giving Shares
Since April 2000 gifts of shares are free of Capital Gains Tax on accumulated value, and the donor may set the full value against his or her Income Tax liability, thereby gaining a double advantage. Shares can be transferred via Cazenove.
Giving in Your Will
Giving in your Will offers a unique and genuine opportunity to make a huge and lasting impact on the life of Magdalen for generations to come.
Please contact the Development Office if you have any questions about making a gift, or if you would like further information about supporting the College at: / 01865 286795.