Group Visit Enquiry

Groups of visitors are welcome at Magdalen, but please fill in the form below so we can plan for your visit.  Group visits are subject to a maximum of 20 people, larger groups may be split. Please note groups of under 21 year olds must be accompanied by a responsible person throughout their visit. A 30 minute interval is required between the admission of each group.

Opening times for Groups are weekdays: 10am to dusk or 7pm whichever is the earlier.   The College may closed to visitors on certain days; these are normally advertised in advance on the visitor section of the website.

You may wish to consider arranging your own qualified guide. For details, please see

Group Visit Enquiry

January to late June 10 pm to dusk or 6pm, whichever is the earlier. Late June to the end of September 10am to 7pm. October to December 1pm to dusk or 6pm whichever is the earlier.

(Groups subject to a maximum of 20 people, larger groups may be split. A 30 minute interval is required between the admission of each group)
Group Composition
(Adults £9.50; Over 60s, children, students £8.50; Family ticket (2 adults and up to 3 children aged 7 or over) £28.00. Children under 7 years of age are free of charge).
(For example: Group nationality to assist with brochure availability, wheelchair access etc)