Sustainability questionnaire

We are conducting a survey to give us insight into the activities currently being undertaken by Magdalen College members around sustainability, biodiversity and climate change.

As well as providing an audit of the many activities undertaken within these fields, we intend to publicise the diversity of work in this area by college members along with our progress towards our sustainability goals.

We would be grateful if you could complete the questionnaire below. In the questions that follow we use the word sustainability to cover climate, biodiversity and ecosystems, resources, waste, human wellbeing, and sustainable economies, as embodied by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Please do list any projects, research, teaching or general activities no matter how tangential you think they are. The survey is short and we thank you for your time.

Sustainability questionnaire

Sustainability questionnaire

Are you currently undertaking any research that could be defined to include aspects of sustainability?
Are you currently supervising students who are working in the field of sustainability/ biodiversity/ climate change, broadly defined?
Are you currently undertaking any teaching activities in sustainability, broadly defined?
Are you currently undertaking any advisory work, paid or unpaid, involved in committees, or have responsibility for drafting or implementing policies in the field of sustainability/ biodiversity/ climate change?
Are you aware of Magdalen College's initiatives on sustainability?
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