Professor Michael Neidig

Subject: Chemistry

Department: Chemistry

Academic position: Tutorial Fellow

Officer: Discipline Dean


Originally from a dairy farming community in rural Pennsylvania, Michael received his B.A. in chemistry from Colgate University, an M.Phil. in chemistry from the University of Cambridge, and a Ph.D. in chemistry from Stanford University in 2007. After brief stops at Dow Chemical and Los Alamos National Lab, Michael was appointed Assistant Professor at the University of Rochester in 2011 with subsequent promotion to Associate Professor in 2017, Professor in 2020 and the Marshall D. Gates, Jr. Professor of Chemistry in 2021. He moved to the University of Oxford in 2022 as Professor of Chemistry and Tutorial Fellow in Inorganic Chemistry at Magdalen College.


All aspects of inorganic chemistry.

Research Interests

Research in the Neidig group spans synthetic and mechanistic organometallic chemistry, catalysis and physical-inorganic chemistry. One major area of interest focuses on elucidating active catalyst structure and mechanism in earth abundant metal catalysed transformations for organic synthesis to foster and facilitate sustainable catalyst and methodology development. Additional areas of interest include synthetic, spectroscopic and reactivity studies in molecular f-element chemistry as well as spectroscopic and electronic structure studies in support of broader research efforts across a range of inorganic, bioinorganic and materials chemistry systems.

Selected Publications

  1. A TMEDA-iron adduct reaction manifold in iron-catalyzed C(sp2)-C(sp3) cross-coupling reactions, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202114986
  2. Side-on coordination of diphosphorus to a mononuclear iron center, Science 2022, 375, 1393-1397.
  3. General method for iron-catalyzed multicomponent radical cascades/cross-couplings, Science 2021, 374, 432-439.
  4. Experimental and computational studies of the mechanism of iron-catalysed C-H activation/functionalization with allyl electrophiles, Chemical Science 2021, 12, 9398-9407.
  5. TMEDA in iron-catalyzed hydromagnesiation: Iron(II)-alkyl species for controlled reduction to alkene-stabilized iron(0), Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 17070-17076.