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Department: History
Appointment: Tutorial Fellow
Academic position: Associate Professor
Officer: Tutor for Equality and Diversity
Email: sian.pooley@magd.ox.ac.uk
Tel: (+44) 1865 610350
Appointment: Honorary Fellow
Department: Chapel and Choir
Appointment: Chapel Administrator and PA to the Dean of Divinity (The Rev’d Dr Andrew Bowyer)
Email: Chapel@magd.ox.ac.uk
Department: Physics
Appointment: Emeritus Fellow
Email: Dusan.Radojicic@magd.ox.ac.uk
Department: Development Office
Appointment: Development Director
Email: sean.rainey@magd.ox.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1865 286796
Department: Paediatrics
Appointment: Florey Lecturer and Fellow by Special Election
Email: maheshi.ramasamy@magd.ox.ac.uk
Department: Nuffield Department of Medicine
Appointment: Fellow by Special Election
Email: peter.ratcliffe@ndm.ox.ac.uk
Tel: 01865 612680
Academic position: Lecturer II in Medieval English
Email: tom.revell@balliol.ox.ac.uk
Academic position: Anthropology
Email: vreynolds@btopenworld.com
Tel: 01323 871136
Department: Tutorial Office
Appointment: Tutorial Administator
Email: louise.robson@magd.ox.ac.uk
Tel: 01865 276064
Appointment: President
Department: Computer Science
Academic position: Tutorial Fellow
Email: christian.rupprecht@cs.ox.ac.uk
Department: Philosophy
Appointment: Tutorial Fellow in Philosophy
Email: bernhard.salow@magd.ox.ac.uk