Gaudy 1967-1970


Magdalen College

Event type



21 September 2024

We are delighted to invite those who matriculated between 1967 and 1970 to a Gaudy dinner on Saturday 21st September. Invitations and details have been sent by post. 


12pm onwards: The College and grounds will be open for members and their guests.
3pm-6pm: Gaudy tote bags can be collected from the Old Kitchen Bar.  
3pm-6pm: Access to the Old Library exhibition
3.30pm-4.30pm: Members and their guests are invited to an informal tea in the President’s Garden.
4.30pm-5.15pm: An update from the President and Q&A about the College’s future plans in the Auditorium.
6pm: Choral Evensong in Chapel, sung by the College Choir.
6.45pm: Reception on Cloisters Lawn for members only.
7.15pm: Dinner in Hall for members only. Dress black tie. 
Afterwards:  There will be a cash bar in the Old Kitchen Bar until 12am

To book, you will need your username and password for your Magdalen alumni account. If you do not have an account you will need to set one up using your alumni number which can be found at the top of all e-newsletters and email invitations. If you do not have your alumni number or have forgotten your username please let us know.

Since I left Magdalen... (1967-1970 Gaudy)

Since I left Magdalen... (1967-1970 Gaudy)

You can use this form to contribute to the 1967-1970 Since I left Magdalen... booklet. Feel free to use the form as you see fit and to pick and choose which questions you'd like to answer.

First name
Last name

Maximum file size: 26.21MB

I'm happy for some of my answers to be used as quotes in College publications and on social media
Start Over

Please note the alumni event programme does not make a profit: all events are either priced to break even or are subsidised.