Bookings for Spring Term 2025 Taster Days at Magdalen are CLOSED.
Trips in the Summer term will be available to book from February 2025.
Magdalen College runs regular taster days in Oxford (during Oxford term time) and in schools (outside of Oxford term times). These are run for state-maintained schools with a high proportion of students from groups that are under-represented at Oxford.
Our events are primarily for schools located in our seven link regions: Barnsley, Brent, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Rotherham, Sheffield, and Westminster. If you wish to bring a school group to Magdalen from a different region of the UK, please email to arrange this.
Draft Schedule of a Taster Day at Magdalen:
10:00-10:30 Arrive at Magdalen
10:30-11.15 Introduction to Oxford talk
11.15-11.45 Q&A with student ambassadors
11:45-12:15 College tour with student ambassadors
12.15-13.15 Free lunch in Hall with student ambassadors
13.15-14:15 Academic/Admissions session [options in booking form]
14:15-15:15 Out-of-college session [options in booking form]
If you’d like to adjust the timings, for instance if you’re travelling a long distance and would prefer a later start, please get in touch.
The days can involve a lot of walking, so if you have anyone in the group with reduced mobility, let us know and we can plan accordingly.
Our events are often over-subscribed, and therefore your school is likely to receive one visit to Oxford per school year. In the case of over-subscription, schools are prioritised based on the following criteria:
Essential criteria:
- State-run school
- From one of the above link areas
Secondary criteria:
- Amount of previous engagement with Oxford (last 12 months)
- Percentage of children receiving free school meals at the school
- Polar 4 data
- Percentage of BAME students compared to region
We also run a travel expenses scheme for state-maintained schools that are from our link regions and are bringing 10 students or more to Magdalen. You can apply for this via the form below.
To arrange an event with Magdalen, please fill in the following form. If you have any questions or would like to be notified when bookings for the next term open, you can email us or call one of our outreach officers on 01865 286697.