To enable you to pursue your degree course without hardship and to ensure that financial worries will not affect your work in Oxford, any offer of a place at Magdalen will be conditional on satisfactory completion of a financial declaration form that will be sent as part of the offer of a place. The College is required by the University to secure this Financial Declaration. Information about the course fees for 2023-24 is available here. Information about living costs is available on the University website.
There are statutory residence requirements for each degree, though dispensation may be granted in certain circumstances. Statutory residence is the time kept after matriculation as a member of a College paying course fees and following a course leading to a degree of the University. Postgraduate student members whose course extends beyond the period of fee liability will be liable for a University continuation charge, which has been set at £572 per term for 2023-24, and a College continuation charge, which has been set at £100 per term for 2023-24.